Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Tireless Minority and a New Incendiary Rhetoric

To begin, I should explain that this blog is not about me or my life's events.  I mostly want to write political things, because that's what interests me, with perhaps a detour here and there to other miscellaneous topics.  So for all you prurient busybodies gushing with curiosity I'll just say my life is pretty boring and leave it at that.

Now on to the meaning behind my title.  Samuel Adams, one of the Founding Fathers (my personal favorite), believed that "[it] does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."  So that is what I will try to do, hopefully with some 'incendiary' rhetoric  (Get it?  I find it rather clever myself).  Of course we must avoid the 'fiery' rhetoric that incites but doesn't inform, the kind that leads to targets, Nazi comparisons, and gunmen with more bullets than sense.  Any of that we must reject wholeheartedly in a civil society.  But if I can ask the right questions, (and have you ask them back when I'm mistaken), then we can set "brush fires in people's minds".  If those of us who believe in freedom and the rule of law, with the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, can only be tireless, then it may not even matter that we are the minority.


  1. Please sir I want some 'ore!

  2. You should have gone with me to hear my almost step grand uncle's son in-law - Paul Skousen speak the other night. It was really interesting. He is the son of the great Cleon Skousen. He talked about "The Cleansing of America", and "The Great Five Thousand Year Leap." I don't know how much that I agree with it, but some interesting ideas. It was Arlan (sp?) Brunson, of the great trumpet quartet Brunson Brothers who was telling me last night about the thing with the Federal Reserve.
